產品名稱: 双子 Futago (DVD) (香港版)
藝人名稱: 關寶慧 (演員) | 白田 久子 (演員) | 何華超 (演員) | 彭敬慈 (演員)
推出日期: 2007-06-15
語言: 粵語, 國語
字幕: 英文, 繁體中文, 簡體中文
製作來源地: 中國香港, 馬來西亞
出品商 :千勣企業有限公司
制式: NTSC
屏幕比例: 1.33 : 1 音效資料: Dolby Digital
影碟格式: DVD-5, DVD 4.19GB
做種時間 :3天完種,3天不定時補種,不要催種!下載完請幫忙做種
驗證全碼 : 851650d329941cd7db5562c830ff9ae8018b60e4
Director: Fung Yuen Man
昌叔、昌嫂夫婦經營尖沙咀區內的一間廉價賓館,當中的長期顧客有經營三流模特兒公司的阿龍,轉接外國游客的妓女蘇絲,販賣翻版色情光碟的光仔及昌叔的兒子— 性格怪僻暴戾的毒品販賣家東尼。一個日本少女內田淺來到香港,打算闖一番事業,可惜卻處處碰壁。阿龍假意照顧她,安置她住在賓館里。可是數天后,內田淺卻突然消失了…一個星期後,內田淺的雙生姐姐零突然出現,令賓館里的人大吃一驚,因為他們做了虧心事!探員政深入調查淺為何失蹤?政和零終於查出真相…
Uncle Cheong & his wife own Ocean Guest House, a cheapaccommodation situated in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. Their long stayingguest includes Ah Loong, Suzie, Kwong & their son, Tony. A monthago, a Japanese girl Uchida Asa came to Hong Kong hoping to look for ajob in show biz. However, girl luck was not her side. She was leftstranded without a job. Ah Loong decide to put her up in the guesthouse and pretentiously agreed to take care of her. A week later, Asadisappeared suddenly! Later, Asa's twin sister Mio came to the guesthouse to look for Asa. Her unexpected appearance shocked all theguests. They had done something unpleasant to Asa & afraid beingexposed of their crime. Detective Ching who was resp***ible for theinvestigation, finally discovered the truth behind Asa's death. Howeverwhat made Ching even more astounded was that Asa was actually the onlydaughter of her family and she has no twin sister! Who is Mio then?
此片為無水印原裝正版DVD, 值得下載收看!